Art Direction,
Graphic Desing

MataNuez South Korea meets California

Two entusiatic Koreans wanted to introduce and make Hodugwaja in the  region of San Diego - Tijuana. They knew that their target was specialized coffee places that are very well stablish in the region because Hodugwaja is a treat to acompain a good coffee. This treat taste better when it’s warm, so their dilemma was: how  to introduce it and make it popular?.
The concept we pitched, was to create the MataNuez gang a kind of K-pop Alternative People that goes from one coffee place to another, selling MataNuez with heated delivery backpacks.

For the Branding of  MataNuez (Killer Nut), we created an identity sourrunding the nutcracker and a mexican bandido.

The idea was sold even to the point that we could have started to create our own products based on Manatnuez, like designer toys, bomber jackets and sneakers, but unfortunately they never manage to get it started.